Pathways: The What, the Why and the How

Pathways: The What, the Why and the How Pathways aims to be a curated collection of “pathways” for learning any skill. Every pathway is a self sufficient guide to gain proficiency in any skill or topic. The Why The internet has an abundancy of resources of varying qualities. However, there is no guide to deciding which resource is the best for someone at a particular level. These resources are often scattered across courses, blogs, GitHub repositories, etc....

January 2, 2021 · 6 min · Me

Setting Up a Vim You Will Love To Use

So with a little bit of effort you have crossed the Vim learning curve. You have gotten used to Vim but you are not able to get it to match the same level of productivity you get with something like VSCode. Well, the great thing about Vim is that it is highly customisable. So you can tweak it to function exactly how you want it to. Also, you can take advantage of the abundant plugin ecosystem the Vim community has built to extend the abilities of Vim....

May 25, 2020 · 12 min · Me

How To Deploy Your Django App Using Docker

Getting your Django app on the internet is - pardon my language - a pain in the ass. You need to daemonize your app with something like Supervisor, then you need to setup a production ready database, then you need to setup a web-server using the likes of Nginx or Apache. And when it’s all done, you need to setup files and directories to collect and maintain logs from your app....

April 30, 2020 · 13 min · Me